Hey guys,
So I've got this new, great, fun idea that you guys can join in with to help support the blog. Like the t-shirts, it's a way to not only get word out, but for your friends and others to stand out in more ways than one.
I'm just gonna start it off with a small little challenge for all you guys to do:-
Friday, May 18th, 2012- Thursday, May 31st, 2012: Express as many aspects of yourself using the letters KATRINA LOWELL, LOVE ALWAYS, A BLOG OF OUR GENERATION, or the title of any of your favorite posts. For instance, I might do:
K - Knowledgeable
A - Artistic
T - Talented
R - Responsible
I - Interesting
N - Nerdy
A - Author
L - Love <3
O - Optimistic
W - Welcoming
E - Energetic
L - Listener
L - Loyal
There :). But here's the details:
1) This must be done EVERY DAY! Yep, so try to look within yourself and find as many naming qualities as you can.
2) Write them on your arms, legs, post it on a way, tape a sticky note to your desk, your locker; write it any and everywhere!
3) Decorate it, make it as unique as possible.
4) Take pictures of the finished product and post it on Google, Twitter, Facebook, Flicker; anywhere you can inspire others to join the challenge, too.
5) Last but not least, at the bottom, state a post that you were able to relate to, that made you feel something deep inside, be it sadness, love, hate, happiness, or even humor.
I can't wait to hear how this works out! I would LOVE for you guys to tell me some of your creations in the comment box, and don't worry, I'll be doing some of my own and sharing them on June the 1st.
Love Always <3,
Katrina Lowell
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