Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Cousin Craziness!

Hey people,

as you know I haven't been blogging as much as before, but I can explain... again. I have met two awesome cousins that live here on the Island and they have been sleeping over since Saturday. I have never had cousins so close to my age before, so it's really nice to be able to stay up late and talk nonstop about random teenage things, like how I do with close friends. Anyhow, yeah, so I have not been a frequent blogger due to the fact that I have been spending time getting to know them better and all sorts of things, but I will try my hardest to set aside time, even for one post, while they are here.

Now that that's out of the way, just wanted to say THANK GOD CHRISTMAS IS OVER! (Check out my "Ugh, It's Christmas" post).

And finally,

Love Always <3,
Katrina Lowell

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